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© 1995- 2024 TimeBanks.Org is a registered (501c3) charity based in Washington D.C. All rights reserved. TimeBanks.Org refers to the TimeBank global advocates as a network of TimeBanks and/or one or more of its members, each of which is a separate legal entity.
These “stories” are more than stories. Each represents an answer to the question: Why are we here? Each moment engaged in giving, connecting, helping, understanding, rescuing, and teaching stands by itself as a declaration: This is why I am here.
If a species from a different planet in a different universe stumbled by accident on planet Earth, they might ask: What do those strange ever-in-motion bipeds on this planet do? How do they survive? What purpose animates them? What are they trying to create?
For those aliens studying us, each one of these “stories” would be more than a story. It would provide a clue as to the DNA of this ever questing being that evolved from a special group of primates. And the secret awareness, embedded in their way of being and their survival instinct was this: somehow, they knew that if the mate of a mother primate died, the mother would have to go out foraging alone. So others then would have to nurture and protect the infants as their own.
These stories are how we relive that awareness and how we answer the question, day by day, Why are we here? As we confront a world being changed by automation and robots and artificial intelligence, that answer remains: We are needed – because we need each other.

Read stories from TimeBankers
We celebrate all that you bring to our community - your energy, presence, unique gifts, time, and yes, your love, both in words and action.
Thank you for inspiring us with your stories.

Finding Family
"Cape Ann TimeBanker Joy Adams offered to digitize old photos and I took her up on it, sharing with her that we had never been able to find any relatives on my mother's side of the family. Joy had genealogy experience and offered to help.
She matched the one photo I had of them, near an old barn, to a historic barn site and comments made by my RELATIVES! They were as thrilled as I to be in touch."
Lee Lewis @ Cape Ann TimeBank, Massachusetts

Lighting up my kitchen
"In May of last year I bought a house. About a month later, in the middle of the night, I heard a pop. I thought it was the trees or some other noise from outside. It was not until the next day that I realized the ”pop” I had heard was the fridge’s last gasp. Three weeks later, after a comedy of errors, a brand new refrigerator was installed. Around that same time I noticed that the light in the kitchen no longer worked. I thought maybe when the fridge blew, it blew out the lights, too. I knew enough not to mess around with electricity, so eventually I went to the Time Bank to see if someone was handy with electrical stuff. Indeed, there was. I got in touch with Bob who had the tools and the know-how, and 45 minutes later I had light in the kitchen! It turns out there was a switch tucked way back along the wall next to the refrigerator which must have gotten turned off when the new one was installed. I was thankful that I had the Time Bank to turn to when I was in the dark. Thanks Bob!" - Susan Jenkins @ the Cazenovia TimeBank/CRIS, New York

Earthquake appeal
"After a disaster like the 2016 Canterbury Earthquakes in New Zealand, it was difficult to know how to help. What is meaningful support to those in need? The Bridge2Rocks TimeBank contacted Hurunui TimeBank, and made connections with the North Canterbury Response Team. People were exhausted, needed meals. Our community responded with meals and cards of support which were delivered by their local response team to those most in need. The response - 'Could you please pass on our sincere thanks to a little boy called Jordis aged 9 at Mt Pleasant School. We got the most beautiful Xmas card made by him and it meant so much to us all. We were affected deeply by the Kaikoura Quake on 14th Nov. To get this beautiful card from someone we don't know is really awesome. I am passing on thanks to the kind community who sent meals and cards.'" - Julie Lee @ TimeBanks Aotearoa New
Zealand .